Sunday Service Times

Sunday Services are at 9:15 & 11:00AM 

Join with us as we come together to worship God and grow in the knowledge of His Word!

Each Sunday we come together to worship, pray, and learn from God's Word. We also get to connect with and encourage one another. Come for the worship. Stick around after for coffee, cookies, and conversation. 

We livestream the 9:15am service so you can watch from home if you are unable to join us in person.

Our 9:15am Service has a mixed-age group for Kindergarten-5th Graders. The nursery is open for families to use independently.
Our 11:00 service has children's ministry programs for Infants through 5th grade. 

The 11:00 service also has Outlet for students in 6th - 8th grade (no Outlet on Communion Sundays). 


Click below to watch the Sunday Service!



VBS is July 14 - 18th!

Registration for kids and volunteers is now open!


Preschool Registration

Elementary Registration

Youth Volunteer Registration

Adult Volunteer Registration

Sunday School

During 2nd Service

No need to register, just show up!


Women's Spring Bible Study
registration is now open!

Monday Evenings      

Wednesday Mornings



Calling all high schoolers!

Join us for Sunriver June 19-22!

Click here to find out more and register.


Calling all middle schoolers!

Join us for Rockaway August 1-3!

Click here to find out more and register.


Registration for the Men's Retreat is now closed!

Sorry :-(