
If you’re a Christian and you’re ready to make Countryside your home church, we encourage you to take that step with us through formal membership. Formal membership is a process by which we officially and publicly recognize people as Christians and confirm their pledge to support the mission of the church. The process involves two simple steps:

  1. Submitting the Membership Application below.
  2. Participate in an interview with two members appointed by the church Leadership Team to share how you came to faith in Jesus Christ and how your unique gifts and talents can be used to bless the church and the community at large.

Applicants are approved by the Leadership Team and recognized at a congregational meeting no more than six months after being received into membership.

If you’re not sure what church membership is all about or you want to know more about our church before taking that step, we recommend you contact Pastor Mike with any questions.

In addition to the requirements for membership, we call on Countryside members to understand Our Mission and Core Beliefs and to commit to the following as God enables:

  1. Submit to the Scriptures as the final authority on all matters of faith, doctrine and conduct.
  2. Be faithful in the Word of God and prayer–studying the Scriptures privately and corporately, praying for yourself and others.
  3. Participate in weekly worship services, biblical community and service to people within and outside the church.
  4. Give cheerfully and regularly to support the ministry of the church, to help the needy, and to spread the Gospel throughout the world.
  5. Honor, pray for and support the pastors and church leaders, seeking the things that make for unity, purity and peace.
  6. Walk in holiness in all areas of life as an act of worship, to the glory of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

If you are ready to make that commitment, complete the form below and we’ll contact you shortly to set up an interview:

Membership Form

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Do you trust in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation, and are you committed to living a life surrendered to Him as Lord?

Do you believe the Bible is God’s Word and the only perfect standard for what to believe and how to live?

Have you been baptized?

Do you promise to faithfully support the mission, ministries, and policies of the church, and to share in its fellowship and commitments?

Are you in agreement with the Countryside Core Beliefs statement?