Welcome to Countryside Youth! To know us, we are: 

FAMILY:  When God calls us to follow Him, He calls us to do it together. Our prayer is that every student can feel known and loved, and have a community to support them through life.

DISCIPLES:  Our mission is to raise up fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We help students be shaped by God's Word, spend time with Him in prayer, and glorify Him through a lifestyle of worship.

ON MISSION:  Our goal is to help students become disciple-making disciples. We are a family that is on mission together, whether that be inviting our friends in, or serving and loving our community together.


Calling all high schoolers!

Join us for Sunriver June 19-22!

Click here to find out more and register.

Join us Sunday Nights

HARVEST is our high school community. We meet Sundays from 7:00-8:30 pm in the youth room, which is accessed from the left side of the building. A typical gathering includes a game, worship led by our student band, a teaching from the Bible, and a time for small group discussion. We would love to have you join us! 
