
Sunday Morning Programs

Join us for worship on Sundays! We have two services at 9:15am and 11am. We have an elementary group for Kindergarten-5th Grade at the 9:15am service. Our 11am Service has programs for Infants-5th Grade. We also have our middle school group, Outlet, at the 11am service. During our time together kids get to experience the stories of the Bible hands on through games, stories, music, and response activities that help them encounter God and get connected in our community. Kids are also always welcome in the service with their parents and the Nursery is open for families to use at the 9:15am service.


Infants-Two Year Olds are warmly welcomed into our community in the Nursery. Our littlest ones experience the love of Jesus through the care and attention of our nursery ministry team. We strive to nurture the youngest among us in a safe, warm environment – a place that communicates God’s love through joyful interaction, gentle patience, and encouraging words.

Preschool kids explore the Bible through stories which depict God’s love and instruction. They gain skill and confidence through interactive play and crafts. Age appropriate activities are designed to promote listening skills and cooperation, while high value is placed on the fun factor of learning and interacting with friends. Each week is full of objects for kids to touch, wild and wiggly activities to get them moving, crafts they will love and real life situations they can relate to.

Please contact Pastor Lynette for ideas for faith formation at home, .

Elementary kids experience opening activities that begin their Sunday morning with interaction and creativity in a fun, inclusive environment. Young readers begin to gain skills in navigating God’s word and continue to explore the great stories and characters of the Bible. Children begin to explore more personal application from these lessons, and work to commit scripture to memory. 

Please contact Pastor Lynette for ideas for faith formation at home, .

VBS July 14-18

VBS: Summer Camp
Registration for kids and youth volunteers is now open!
VBS will be July 14-18 – a week full of wild games, fun crafts, rocking music, and engaging Bible stories for kids entering Preschool-5th grade for the 2025-26 school year. Preschool VBS is for kids ages 3 years to those entering Kindergarten in fall of 2025. Elementary VBS is for incoming 1st-5th graders for the 2025-26 school year. Youth volunteers are students entering 6th-12th grade for 2025-26. Contact   if you have any questions.
Preschool Registration
Elementary Registration

Youth Volunteer Registration

Adult Volunteer Registration

Summer Dates 2025

Save these Summer Dates
Camp Tilikum :: June 23-27 
VBS :: July 14-18 

Summer is a great time for our Children’s Ministry! We kick off summer with a week at Camp Tilikum, a day camp just outside Newberg. Our kids get to learn about God through the wonders of nature. Then in July we launch our annual VBS (Vacation Bible School) – a week full of games, fun crafts, music, and engaging Bible stories. 

Buddy Break

Buddy Break is a free kids/respite program where children with special needs (VIP kids) make new friends, play fun games, enjoy crafts, therapy dogs, stories, music activities, and more! Siblings have fun too! Meanwhile, their caregivers get a break from their ongoing care-giving responsibilities for three hours. Buddy Break is open to church members and non-church members with VIP kids. Each VIP kid is paired one-on-one with a screened volunteer “Buddy” to participate in that day’s activities. For more information on serving as Buddy or participating as a VIP family contact Lynette, . To find more information on Buddy Break go to Nathaniel's Hope.


TREK is our mid-week program for kids, K-5th grades, that runs during the school year. Each week we’ll be exploring God’s Word through exciting games, engaging stories, and more! Bring your friends and make new ones! Trek meets at the church on Wednesdays from 1:30-3:30pm starting in late-September. We need 20 kids to sign up to get Trek off the ground at this new time. 

Click here to register

Serve with Kids

To be able to welcome families and children of all ages, we need your help! Serving with our kids is fun, can deepen your faith, and help you get connected at Countryside. There are lots of opportunities to serve as a leader or assistant and decide how often you can serve. Follow the link below to sign up to begin serving. If you have questions you can contact .

Sign up today!

