
Sermons in: James

July 24, 2022

Our modern society does not create patient people. But James says that...

July 03, 2022
God Opposes the Proud

Why is there so much fighting in the church? Why do we often find our...

May 29, 2022
The Wisdom of Peace

Our hearts yearn for peace, but our world seems to move in the opposite...

March 27, 2022
The Life-giving Word

James exhorts us to not merely listen to God's Word but to do it. Most...

March 06, 2022
How do I face trials?

James told us to take joy when we face trials but he didn't really tell...

February 27, 2022
The Way of Wisdom

James calls us to become mature and complete, but to do this we need...

February 20, 2022
Consider it WHAT?

We open our series on the book of James and its practical guidance to...