Sermons in: Pray The Psalms

September 03, 2023
The Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) are a collection of psalms that...

August 27, 2023
Psalm 93 is somewhat unique in that it is all about God. Let's take a...

August 20, 2023
The greatest blessing in this life for the Christian is being forgiven...

August 06, 2023
We tend to think of praising God as something that happens in church...

July 30, 2023
The problem of evil and pain in the world has been a source of much...

July 23, 2023
This prayer of Moses is a psalm of confident hope as the newly freed...

July 16, 2023
One author says, "Our pressing need in life is to know how to look both...

July 09, 2023
Psalm 19 is a hymn of praise for two ways that God makes Himself known...

July 02, 2023
Recited at the moment of execution by martyrs of the faith...

June 25, 2023
When you read through the Psalms and hit this one (and others like it)...

June 18, 2023
The psalms speak to our full experience of life and faith. In this...

June 11, 2023
This message is an introduction to our new summer series "Pray the...