Series: Seek First - Experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
Citizenship in the Kingdom of God
September 08, 2024 | Mike Matousek
Over the next few months, we will all be inundated with news about the presidential election. There will be talk about our rights and duties as a citizen. But the Bible says our real citizenship is in a different Kingdom. What does that mean for us as we live our lives?
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The next few months will be full of distractions as fall programs launch, the election approaches, and the stressors of our personal lives continue to pull on us. But Jesus invited his disciples to seek first his kingdom. We are invited as well to fix our eyes on the greater reality of the kingdom of heaven rather than the kingdoms of this world. The kingdom of heaven is here among us now and will soon reach its fulfillment as God the Father brings all things under the reign of Jesus our King of kings. Join us as we explore where and when the kingdom of God is, who is in and out of it, and its impact on how we live today.