Suffering for Christ vs Fight or Flight

Series: 1 Peter - The Making of a Mature Disciple

Suffering for Christ vs Fight or Flight

June 02, 2024 | Peter Kozushko
According to the Apostle Peter, the Christians in Pontus-Bithynia that he wrote to "had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials" (1 Peter 1:7). In this passage Peter finally tells us the nature of their trials and how to face them. Their trials are not that different from ours.


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Series Information

We likely have more content on the beginning, middle and end of Peter's life as a disciple of Jesus than we do on any other apostle.  Which brings a richness to his themes of being chosen, identity, suffering, submission and humility.  We are told this book was written to encourage and to testify to the true grace of God (1 Peter 5:12).  1 Peter was greatly needed to strengthen a church going through horrific persecution, but also serves as great encouragement to us as we become fully devoted followers of Christ.

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