Gideon: God Chooses People of Weak Faith to Bring About His Glory

Series: The Hall of Faith

Gideon: God Chooses People of Weak Faith to Bring About His Glory

June 30, 2024 | Jon Knapp

Gideon is listed in the Hebrews 11 hall of faith as an example to learn from. The story both shows the weakness of Gideons faith, yet having enough to move forward in obedience to God.

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Gideon: God Chooses People of Weak Faith to Bring About His Glory

Judges 6-8

Pastor Jon Knapp



The story of Gideon





How God Leads Us


1. The  

 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.  Psalm 119:105


2. The  

 All who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.  Romans 8:14

Series Information

We belong to a long line of men and women who have faithfully followed God, endured great hardship, and saw their weakness turned to strength in Christ. Hebrews 11-12 reads like a Who's Who of the Bible, sharing small snippets about these faithful people. This summer we have the opportunity to learn more about who they were and how their faith can compel us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.

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