Sermons in: Returning To Matthew
September 06, 2020
In our last study from our series in Matthew, Pastor Peter explores how...
August 30, 2020
Churches around the world have been shut down... at least they've been...
August 23, 2020
The 6 o'clock news can create stress, division, and uncertainty on any...
August 16, 2020
Pastor Mike expounds on the passage in Matthew 16:1-4 when the...
August 09, 2020
Pastor Paul teaches about In-Group and Out-Group bias. Jesus had to...
August 02, 2020
Pastor Paul preaches from Matthew 15 where we see the beginning of...
July 26, 2020
Pastor Troy uncovers four portraits of Jesus from the disciples...
July 19, 2020
Pastor Mike uncovers some hidden expectations from Matthew's passage on...
July 12, 2020
Pastor Paul continues in the book of Matthew and compares the...
July 05, 2020
Pastor Paul looks at how people "quenched the Spirt" in Jesus' day and...
June 28, 2020
Pastor Peter continues sharing biblical insights into the parables...
June 21, 2020
What's so good about mustard seeds and some sourdough starter? Jesus...